Transitional Vertebrate Fossils FAQ
[Last Update: March 17, 1997]

wrote this FAQ as a reference for
answering the "there aren't any transitional fossils" statement
that pops up on talk.origins several times each year. I've tried to
make it an accurate, though highly condensed, summary of known
vertebrate fossil history in those lineages that led to familiar
modern forms, with the known transitions and with the known
major gaps both clearly mentioned. Version 6.0 of the FAQ has been
almost entirely rewritten, with:
- A completely rewritten introduction & conclusion,
discussing what "transitional" means, why gaps occur, and what the
fossil record shows.
- A greatly expanded list of "chains of genera" for most groups,
especially mammals.
- References for documented species-to-species fossil
transitions, mostly for mammals.
- Explicit mention of the notable remaining gaps in the fossil
If you have questions about this FAQ or want to send email to
the author, click
PART I has
- Introduction:
- Types of
- Why are there
- Predictions
of creationism & evolution
- What's in
this FAQ
- Timescale
- Transitions
from primitive fish to sharks, skates, rays
- Transitions
from primitive fish to bony fish
- Transition
from fishes to first amphibians
- Transitions
among amphibians
- Transition
from amphibians to first reptiles
- Transitions
among reptiles
- Transition
from reptiles to first mammals (long)
- Transition
from reptiles to first birds
PART 2 has
transitions among mammals (starting with primates), including
numerous species-to-species transitions, discussion, and
references. If you're particularly interested in humans, skip to
the primate section of part 2, and also look up the fossil hominid
- Overview
of the Cenozoic
- Primates
- Bats
- Carnivores
- Rodents
- Lagomorphs
(rabbits & hares)
- Condylarths
(first hoofed animals)
- Cetaceans
(whales & dolphins)
- Perissodactyls
(horses, rhinos, tapirs)
- Elephants
- Sirenians
(dugongs & manatees)
- Artiodactyls
(pigs, hippos, deer, giraffes, cows, etc.)
- Species
transitions from other miscellaneous mammal groups
- Conclusion:
- A bit of historical background
- The major features of the fossil record
- Good models & bad models: which theories match the data
- The main point.
- References

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