Posts of the Month for 2012
- January: A description of Derek Parfit's non-religious Principles for
distinguishing Right from Wrong (within a discussion of Tautologies)
- Burkhard, using practical examples, disentangles a recent attempt to
succinctly describe a system of secular ethics.
- February: Creationist site deliberately Ignores cited Evidence that African people Not Descendant from Adam & Eve or Noah
- Garamond Lethe shows that the authors of a creationist web page are
completely misrepresenting the contents of a cited scientific article.
- March: To find truth: Evaluate one claim at a time until a pattern emerges
- Garamond Lethe recommends that confused creationists should not waste time with point and counterpoint.
Instead find specific claims of interest and run each one to ground until a pattern emerges.
- May: Does acceptance of evolution bring lose of meaning and despair?
- Brenda Nelson makes the case that evolution brings delight in, and affection for, earth and all its inhabitants.
- July: What does "Humans are Apes" mean?
- Howard Hershey argues that claiming that humans are apes means different things depending on the context.
- August: Cuddly religions promote crime in comparison to nasty ones.
- Burkhard introduces research showing that a focus on heavenly rewards increases crime rates, while fear of
hell reduces them, except possibly for murder in the southern US or maybe not.
- September: Directed panspermia appears much less likely than abiogenesis
- Paul Gans concisely explains why it is more likely that life began on earth rather than being imported from
elsewhere in the universe.
[Post of the Month: Main Index]

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